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Government Direct Payments Care Scheme with Triple Home Care Ltd

Direct Payments Scheme

The Government has now given YOU FULL CONTROL to choose the care and support that you require.

Who can have direct payments?

If you or someone you care for requires support, you can apply for direct payments. An assessment by social services will need to take place.

What are direct payments?

Direct payments are local Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust payments for people who have been assessed as needing help from social services, and who would like to arrange and pay for their own care and support services instead of receiving them directly from the local trust. Please visit for more information regarding who is entitled to direct payments and how to arrange them.

How can we help?

We at Triple Home Care are more than happy to assist you with setting up your Direct Payment and providing the quality care you require. For more information or assistance, call and talk to a friendly member of our team - Call: 07526 711 221

What is Safeguarding?

The term safeguarding is used to define actions taken to protect vulnerable groups from harm. A vulnerable adult is defined as a person who, for any reason, may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation. Safeguarding vulnerable adults involves reducing or preventing the risk of significant harm from neglect or abuse, while also supporting people to maintain control of their own lives. All carers have safeguarding training and are encouraged to report any concerns they have relating to our Service Users or our care staff and we encourage and educate our staff members to fully understand the safeguarding and whistleblowing terms.

We have a “Good” rating for all 5 of the key questions the CQC ask when carrying out an inspection, we are very proud of this rating however we are always striving to improve to an outstanding level. Please see the below the five key questions we were rated on:

S-C-R-E-W and the CQC

  • Safe : Are they safe? People are protected from abuse and avoidable harm.
  • Caring : Staff involve and treat people with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.
  • Responsive : Services are organised so that they meet people’s needs.
  • Effective : People’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
  • Well-led : Leadership, management and governance of the organisation assures the delivery of high-quality person centered care, supports learning and innovation and promotes an open and fair culture.

View our rating here:

Triple Home Care Ltd believes that the following statements best describe the values within which we seek to operate daily.

We believe that each Client in our care has the fundamental RIGHT to:

  • Be regarded as an individual and given our special attention.
  • Be cared for by people who can understand their needs and are competent.

  To meet those needs;

  • Be treated equally, and no less favorably than others.
  • Receive respect and understanding regarding their cultural, religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • Receive prompt attention in relation to all their healthcare needs.
  • Be safe, feel loved and always know that “someone cares”.
  • Be informed about all important decisions that affect them, and to have a say.
  • Be afforded privacy for themselves and their belongings.
  • Can think independently and make their own choices.
  • Complain about anything they feel is unfair or unjust, and to have that complaint listened and responded to.
  • We are all a team and work together to be the best!
  • Support each other – Always someone to talk to and help (work related or personal)
  • We are not like other care agencies – We are a care company that actually CARES!
  • We go that extra step – i.e. if a service user has run out of milk – We will get them some. Either by going to the shop yourself or letting the next carer to visit know!
  • We do not gossip – Our policy is if you have a problem with someone, talk to that person directly or to your senior/manager. (NOT ANOTHER TEAM MEMBER OR SERVICE USER).
  • We have a fantastic team that work hard to maintain the high standards Triple Home Care is known for!
  • Our policy is to recruit internally (when possible) and give our staff every opportunity to further their career with NVQ QUALIFICATIONS and in-house training.

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Professional & dignified care you can rely on...

If you would like more information regarding the range of services we offer, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us today and let our team guide you through our professional care options.